Sunday, July 12, 2009

Wedding Cookies Class

*hangs head*

I know this is a bit late, but well, better late than never eh?

Anyhow. This month's class will be on the 25th July 2009, a Saturday and is set to begin at 10:00am until 12:30 pm.

The theme this month will be Wedding Cookies and we'll be doing a lot of tiered-wedding cake, wedding dresses, hearts and stuff like that. Click here to go to Cake Connection and get the other details.

Truthfully speaking, most of my orders are either for weddings or engagements or risik and the likes. And more for wedding favors and hantarans too. So this is like right down my alley. *glee*

But. But. But.

Unfortunately, when I was at the Cake Connection yesterday, I was told that the class has been sold out. In fact, we've had to take in 10 ppl! Wow! I had to pick my jaws off the floor.

I am flattered that I get this chance and that I'm more suprised that the response to the cookies classes have been superbly encouraging.

So, guys .. if you're keen and you're not the early 10, don't fret just yet. We're having this on a monthly basis now and I'll be sure to announce the dates for the future classes, kay!

Till then. Enjoy your weekend.


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