Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Wan Nur Annissa

Gartred (my twin, since I'm Gartblue) has been or rather her daughter, Nisa has been pestering me for cookies for her birthday.

So, I finally succumbed to the pressure since last weekend was rather light, in terms of cookie load.

Nisa wanted to have a class party for her birthday. so I figured, she'd love these dresses for her girlfriends.

And more girlfriends' stuff. Hearts with her name.

And since Gartred had no definite designs, I thought I'd do some rounds and decorated them rather masculinely, considering there would be boys around and dresses and hearts aren't exactly macho stuff to be strutting along. :)

It turned out that I so so love these rounds with her name and age, bordered with a bunch of dots. Simple, but effective. I like!

Anyway, Happy Belated Birthday, Nisa!


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