Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Love Letters

A bunch of love letters, ordered by Anees for her brother's girlfriend/fiance/wife. That part I'm not too sure.

The love letter and its matching envelope.

I actually love the cookies, but sadly, I had to refund Anees because the red icing broke down and crumbled. The white was okay.

This was what happened. Red is hard colour to get, seriously. I was supposed to make the red at least 2-3 days in advance, so that the red can deepen. But I was out of time and I made it only the night before and I had to put in more red gel paste. To the point that it broke down. I should've suspected that earlier, but I thought it would be okay.

To Anees, I apologise for the mistake and even though agak comot, I hope the cookies tasted great.


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